SRE builds foundations that last a lifetime
Lisa has been working as a Special Religious Education (SRE) teacher on the NSW Central Coast for 22 years, and says she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I see SRE classes and Scripture in schools as absolutely essential,” says Lisa.
“Enrolment for classes is completely optional, and being able to impart a Godly perspective in our schools is a massive honour. The curriculum we teach is one that builds year on year, providing teens with a firm foundation to base their understanding of and connection with their faith.”
“In Year 7 we learn about the Bible; in Year 8 we chat about Jesus; in Year 9 we talk about the Old Testament, and by the time the students are in Year 10, we’re talking about life and worldviews and all those bigger questions.”
Year 7 student Braiden is learning about the Bible this year, and loving it.
“SRE classes are helping me with my Christian journey. I think these classes are important because it means that people who don’t go to church can still learn about God, and it can change how you look at life,” says Braiden.
SRE classes teach students how to respect one another, and safely share ideas and beliefs without judgement. This is what has kept Lisa in the role for over two decades.
If you feeled called to SRE like Lisa, or you know someone who would love to get involved, visit to find out more.