Chaplain & churches partner for school food pantry
The cost of living crisis has had a devastating impact on families across Australia.
As a school chaplain in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, Gail has seen the mounting evidence of this harsh reality first hand – and it’s prompted her to do something about it.
Partnering with local churches and community organisations, Gail set up a food pantry for struggling families in the Fairhills High School community.
“These are beautiful families, doing their absolute best and working really hard, but life just gets tough,” says Gail.
It’s taking a toll on the kids too, with the school’s wellbeing team being busier than ever.
“There’s been an escalation in mental health needs and anxiety, depression, all those sorts of things. Kids can’t learn on an empty stomach.”
The school already had great programs in place, including a five-day-a-week Breakfast Club, initiated by her predecessor and the school’s wellbeing team. But Gail felt a calling to contribute further.
She put the call out to the local Hillsong church and Foothills Community Center, who jumped on board to help straight away. They generously provided essential pantry items and frozen meals, and were keen to continue partnering with the school to expand the program.
There’s also been an outpouring of support from volunteers, excited for the new opportunity to help make a difference. “It’s a beautiful win-win,” she says.
The impact has been immediate and overwhelming, says Gail, with around 50 families being served by the fortnightly pantry. It’s also become a source of community and support, with families offering help to each other in times of need. “It’s really special.”
One family’s story in particular captured what the program was all about.
“There was a beautiful mum that came in just before the holidays, and I said, ‘Look we’ve got all these frozen meals that we can’t keep over the break, please take as many as you want.’
“She looked around and got all teary-eyed. I asked what was wrong, and she said, ‘Oh, I’ve been praying this week for meat.’ She says ‘I’ve got three boys, dad’s not in the picture, and we’ve been struggling. We’ve all just been craving meat, and you’ve got all these meals with meat!’”
Thanks to SU’s support, Gail feels particularly empowered to make a positive impact. “I feel like they’ve given me the boldness to step into these things more.”
“Knowing that there’s people praying for us and supporting us, it just makes such a difference.”
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