The power of a helping hand

The power of a helping hand

Chaplain Joyce has witnessed how the old adage ‘many hands make light work’ can transform a challenging situation.

The Breakfast Club at her Frankston-based school, just south of Melbourne in Victoria, has long been a refuge for students in need of a nutritious meal to start their day. But behind the scenes for the last year, it’s been a one-woman show with Joyce juggling the demanding roles of cook, carer and crowd controller all at once.

That is until a volunteer, Leanne, stepped in and everything changed.

“Leanne’s happy to hide away in the kitchen,” Joyce explains. “It’s been a fantastic boost. Now I have the opportunity to talk, play table tennis or just listen to the students without worrying about the food.”

This shift has had a profound impact, especially on a group of boys once notorious for causing chaos. With more time to engage, Joyce has been able to set boundaries and initiate conversations about the importance of positive behaviour.

“I overheard one of them say, ‘sometimes it’s worth being good,’ and the other agreed,” Joyce smiles. “They’ve learnt boundaries to keep the Breakfast Club safe and fun for everyone.”

This change hasn’t gone unnoticed. During a recent visit, the Assistant Principal remarked about the improvement in manners and behaviour among the students.

While Leanne and Joyce are the only two physically serving at the Breakfast Club, it’s truly the many hands of the broader community that make it possible. Donations of food and sponsorships from local churches help sustain a varied and delicious menu across the fortnight.

Thanks to the many hands involved, the Breakfast Club is no longer just about serving up food but also connection, respect and belonging for students in need.

Behind every chaplain and other SU ministry workers are a team of supporters, volunteers and prayer partners.

Thank you for helping to lighten the load through your support. To get behind chaplains like Joyce, visit or to find out more about volunteering with SU, visit

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