The Bible has no postcode
With your help, God’s big story is travelling to remote and rural areas.
At SU Australia, we love to join with other believers to bring God’s love and hope to more and more children, young people and families.
A recent partnership with Bible League did just this, allowing God’s big story to travel to a remote boarding school … in the middle of a rainforest!
SU Australia Culture Lead, Joshua Lane, explains how this wonderful opportunity came about:
“The First Nations Cross Cultural Innovations team were looking for partnerships and connecting with different community organisations, and as part of that connected with Mungalla Silver Lining school. The school had requested some Bibles for discipleship, and we were able to organise that.”
Joshua and his wife travelled together to the school, based 65 km north of Townsville, to distribute 30 Plain English Version Bibles to the students.
“We were able to go up there and provide the Bibles for the boarders and the day students, and we were able to explain about the Bible, and why it’s good to read it. It was just a good starting point for them,” says Joshua.
While there, Joshua offered some initial Bible literacy training and discipleship to the students. He pointed to the gospels as an excellent place to begin to read about Jesus. The response of those listening, even in this initial interaction, was very positive.
“Some of them were smiling, some were curious. One of the teachers was very excited and wanted to share their favourite verse from the Bible,” Joshua recalls.
“The idea of the Bible is for remote communities in the Northern Territory to have a common English Bible that they can do studies together with….. As a result, it’s very easy to understand and very popular with First Nations people all over Australia,” says Joshua.
Please pray for the spread of God’s word via the Plain English Version to more and more spaces. Who knows where it will travel to next?
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I thank God for the people who got Bibles. I pray that all in Australia may get the Bible and read it. we will pray and do some volunteer work for His kingdom’s expansion. May God use SU more in His hands.
Amazing and great work