Taking the LEAD in Love

Taking the LEAD in Love

You don’t have to look far to find negative stories circulating about teenagers today. At LEAD camp, your support is writing a very different story.

Campers in years 8-12 are learning what it means to be a true leader, leaning into their God-given talents and gifts, and passing on the love to others in solid action.

“The goal is to teach them about what Christian ministry is like, and then giving them opportunities to practice skills in an environment where you have mentors and feedback,” explains Camp Director Sophie Valestro.

This year saw 11 highschool students attend, participating in training and workshops and then cementing what they learned through the running of games and campfire nights.

Perhaps the highlight for all, however, was facilitating the kids’ program at a local church on Sunday.

Bron is in year 10 and attended LEAD for the first time after learning about it on Wild Wee Jasper.

“The best part about the camp was being with others who wanted to lead and be a Christian as part of that. My favourite part was learning how to lead and putting it into practice in the Mission Heart Service,” says Bron.

Mission Heart church reaches out to the homeless and isolated in the community via a Sunday service in a public park. LEAD campers prepared crafts and outdoor games for the kids there, as well as helping serve lunch to those present.

Sophie noted how well the teens took to the new situation: “They had to adapt to the kids that were there, but they did a great job of pivoting as leaders do.”

Campers, like Bron, will be given further opportunities to put their skills into practice, serving at either SUPA holiday camp or Zone 40 primary camp in the future

One camper succinctly summed up the heart of LEAD: “we don’t lead for ourselves but we always lead for the good of others.”

If you know a teenager who you think would make a great future leader, 2025 LEAD camp nominations are already open. Visit: suact.org.au/lead/


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