Soaked in Prayer, Campers Soar

Soaked in Prayer, Campers Soar

By supporting SU camps like Adventure Camp, you are helping young people embark on adventures of faith.

The day begins quietly, with devotions and small group time, a chance to talk about life and faith. But as the sun rises higher over the mountains at picturesque QCCC Mapleton, a larger-than-life Outdoor Education camp on the Sunshine Coast, so do the campers’ energy levels.

Thankfully, there is no lack of activities to try their hand at (and feet, and adrenal levels, for that matter) at Adventure camp!

“From making a splash in the dam to taking aim at the archery course, to swinging through the trees on the giant swing or reaching for the heavens on the rock climbing wall, there is never a dull moment,” says camp leader and chaplain Felicity McClenaghan

If it sounds like these two pictures are at odds: reflective morning stillness followed by fun, adrenal adventure, a closer look shows they are actually linked.

“Adventure Camp is designed to push participants and leaders outside their comfort zones to help them grow in confidence and their faith,” Felicity reflects.

“Camps like ours provide a unique opportunity for young people to experience kingdom culture, challenge themselves and grow in independence, confidence and leadership.

“And for team members, it provides a way to proclaim God’s good news to the next generation as well as grow in their confidence, leadership and passion.”

A steadfast commitment to prayer surrounds Adventure camp, hemming it in, like the mountains.

We soak camp in prayer with the hope that God would bring the young people and team members who need us most into our world and that they would encounter God through us,” says Felicity.

While the momentary fun of camp has passed, the effects of such a special experience are long-lasting: “Though we might not see its true value now, we know it is helping young people grow and mature in their personal and faith journeys,” says Felicity.

To help more campers grow and take home hope and faith visit: 

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