Filling the father gap at Blokes Camp
Your support of SU’s camping ministries is playing a crucial role in helping boys grow into the men God created them to be.
WA’s Blokes Camp for boys in Years 7–10 offers many their first experience not only of the God of the Bible, but also of positive father figures.
“A lot […]
Long-term prayers are being answered
New SUPA club initiated by parents starts in ACT school.
Louise and Peter have just returned from their son’s primary school SUPA club, and Louise’s excitement is contagious.
“We had 15 kids today,” she shares. “That’s our biggest number yet. We’ve regularly had 12, so it’s been a huge encouragement.”
Louise and her […]
The Bible has no postcode
With your help, God’s big story is travelling to remote and rural areas.
At SU Australia, we love to join with other believers to bring God’s love and hope to more and more children, young people and families.
A recent partnership with Bible League did just this, allowing God’s big story to […]
Three weddings and two funerals
By supporting school chaplains you are supporting entire communities
When Chaplain Terry Keen was first introduced at Alexandra Hills State School in 2006, the principal at the time asked a child to sit on a chair.
She then took out a doona and wrapped it around the child saying, “This is what […]
The Power of Storytelling at Strong Bala
(and a few crocodile sightings!)
Established in 2023, Strong Bala camp (meaning Strong ‘Brother’) went from strength to strength this year, with two separate camp events establishing and building relationships between campers and leaders.
SU Australia’s Culture Lead Josh Lane explains the unique heart of the camp, which brings together local First […]
Crafting Faith at Cre8 Camp
Arts, crafts and faith in Jesus collided at Western Australia’s Cre8 camp for children in years four to six.
Through hands-on activities like t-shirt painting, crochet and even playing with fake snow, the campers were invited to roll up their sleeves and encounter God’s love through creativity.
“Our main goal was to […]

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