Long-term prayers are being answered
New SUPA club initiated by parents starts in ACT school.
Louise and Peter have just returned from their son’s primary school SUPA club, and Louise’s excitement is contagious.
“We had 15 kids today,” she shares. “That’s our biggest number yet. We’ve regularly had 12, so it’s been a huge encouragement.”
Louise and her husband initiated the club themselves, driven by their passion for God’s big story.
“We know the ACT allows parents to request religious education,” Louise explains. “So we asked the school if we could start a SUPA club.”
However, long before their idea took shape, someone else was quietly preparing the way behind the scenes; through prayer.
“We’ve really seen God answering prayers—ours and others’,” Louise reflects. “A lady involved with SU told me that years ago someone prayed for a chaplain at this school. The fact that they’ve welcomed the SUPA club is a great answer to prayer.”
Louise, a high school teacher, along with husband Peter, intentionally works part-time to serve in ministries like this. “We’re thankful we can be involved,” she says.
Joining them is a third indispensable team member, Alison, whose SUPA club experience, nifty craft skills, and passion for serving Jesus have been invaluable.
“She’s been instrumental,” says Louise.
Of course, starting the club wasn’t without its challenges.
“There are always nerves,” Louise admits. “But God has eased them.”
The kids’ excitement and enthusiasm are fantastic! We’re encouraging one another in faith, and that’s been beautiful.”
Louise recalls, “One girl said, ‘Last week I prayed. I’ve been reading my Bible.’ Hearing the kids share their faith is so encouraging.”
Louise urges others to continue the work of prayer: “God is faithful. He answers prayers. Please keep praying for these ministries.”
Your prayers may be answered quickly, or they may take years to unfold, but nothing done in Jesus’ name is ever wasted.
Please pray for SUPA clubs across the country.
If you are interested in volunteering and contributing to SU’s wonderful work please visit: su.org.au/volunteer.