God’s story comes to life at Zone 40
From caving to discos, and besieging cardboard forts with flour bombs, Zone 40 camp offers a wonderful opportunity for primary-aged kids to have fun, try new things, and engage with God’s story in a way that makes sense to them.
During our most recent Zone 40 camp at Wee Jasper, children from across the ACT braved the wet weather and had an absolute blast.
“Even the things that might have been stressful or disappointing (like the bus getting bogged and all of the mud) were reported back with humour, because the leaders did such a great job of turning everything into an adventure!” says one parent.
But Zone 40 is more than just an adventure camp. It’s a space for young people to experience a loving Christian community who will encourage them in their faith.
For Ava, a camper who has ADHD and autism, her dad Paul wasn’t sure how the week would go, considering she usually finds it difficult to engage with the children’s program at church.
However, God was at work, and Ava engaged with the bible talks so much she eagerly shared all she’d learned on camp with her family.
“She talked a lot about the memory verses and was acting out sections of scripture that stood out to her,” says Paul.
For Louise, whose son Mason* attended camp, she too wasn’t sure how he’d go because he usually struggles to sit still at church.
After Zone 40, however, Mason’s perspective changed, Louise explains.
“We were walking home from church the other day and Mason said since going to Zone 40, church made more sense and he found it easier to focus during the sermon. It was such a precious comment.”
Your support for SU ministries makes such a difference! Through programs like Zone 40, you are giving young people like Ava and Mason opportunities to encounter God in ways that speak directly to where they’re at, not just at camp, but in their everyday lives.
*Name has been changed for privacy reasons.