This club is a Scripture Union Primary Age lunchtime Club, which provides a safe and welcoming place for all primary-age students to forge friendships, learn about Jesus, and explore Christian beliefs in a fun, interactive, and age-appropriate manner. No Christian belief is required or assumed. There are plenty of opportunities to make new friends and have the occasional treat. Children also develop skills in leadership and teamwork. SUPA Club runs with the permission of the principal.
Children are only allowed to attend if they have a signed permission note from their parent or guardian this year. The school has requested the permission slip be signed each year. If a parent or guardian no longer wants their child to attend SUPA Club they can contact the school.
The leaders of SUPA clubs are volunteers from local churches who are required to complete a strict screening process, which includes the Working with Vulnerable People card, two referees, an interview, ChildSafe training, and ongoing training through Scripture Union Australia (SU).
The curriculum is available should any parent/carer request to know more about what their children are learning. SU programs do not focus on controversial issues and work to promote harmony.
If you have any questions about the SUPA Club running at your school, please contact the Team Leader Jessica Fields
Contact Details: ph: (07) 3112 6470
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