Dunethin Rock Scout Camp, QLD
10% discount for multiple siblings

King of the Mountain camp continues to be a favorite for many boys over the years and this year will be no exception!!!
Plan to come as we launch into a week full of fun activities including Canoeing, LaserTag, Raft Building, Evolution Archery, Aqua Park, and the legendary Lantern Run, just to name a few.
We will also have time to reflect on some daily discussions around Life & Spirituality and how we fit into God’s awesome plan for our lives.

Lock in your places by making either a full or part payment when you register!!!

5-6, Families
Team Leaders

Paul Murray & Brendan Henry

Paul and Brendan are experienced camp directors who have led King of the Mountain camp for several years. They and the other leaders are looking forward to another exciting camp! Paul is a primary & secondary school chaplain on the Sunshine Coast; Brendan works for the government, but is a leader at a school SUPA club and other Christian activities for upper primary students.

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