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This includes Friday night dinner, site fees and all activities. Self catered for remainder of weekend. Doesn’t include transport. Multiple child discount available.

GENTS CAMP Father and Sons (8-13 year olds) is a great opportunity to get away & enjoy some riverside camping on private property near Wisemans Ferry with a group of others.

You will enjoy great fun activities together including Archery Tag, Fishing, Sports & sitting around the campfire sharing stories.

The camp is specifically designed for dads & sons to have a great time together, which will include tools & key habits for building healthy relationships and enduring character, back in the real world.

Team Leaders

Tim Clipsham & Joel Gibbins

Tim is a father of two and a dentist throughout the week. He lives and attends church in the Sutherland Shire. Tim has a long history of camping ministry and a passion for seeing fathers and sons grow and nurture their relationships.

Joel is a father of three and a primary school teacher. He lives and attends church on the Central Coast. In his work as a teacher Joel has seen the importance of good fathering; and has a passion to equip fathers and give them the skills they need in our modern world.

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