This is a two-night One2One adventure camp based at Fingal Head, NSW for Chapel Hill State School (CHSS) Grade 5 students and their parent/guardian for quality time building fantastic memories and strong relationships.
Activities: Fishing, Surfing, Snorkeling, Hiking, Crab racing and more with a focus in building resilience, courage and relationship connection
Transport: is shared so you will need to bring a car or be allocated to another car that is going (let us know if you want to share with a particular participant)
Bring your own: food, tent/sleeping gear, fishing gear, and beach gear.
- Numbers are limited so get in early and preference may be given to older students.
- If cancellation is required due to unforeseen circumstances a refund may not be possible.
Contact: enquiries or help with gear contact CHSS Chappy Carolyn: