See individual events for location details, WA

We provide Bronze Medallion, Bronze Requal and SU Surf Upgrade training throughout the year.

Note: the Surf Upgrade is only recognised by SU WA and is a necessary qualification when running open water activities on Scripture Union programs. Only SU Volunteers with a current Bronze Medallion can complete the Surf Upgrade.

Please note that Bronze Full Course and Requal training will be delivered on separate days unless we have additional trainers. Be sure to select the correct date for the required training.

Bronze Medallion Full Course & Training is from 9am – 5pm the location will be advised to you after registration.
Bronze Medallion Surf Upgrade is held at Trigg South Beach from 8:30am – 11:30am, followed by Requalification Training is from 12:30pm – 5:30pm the location will be advised to you after registration. 
SUWA have limited trainers and sessions will be closed once capacity (10 people per session) has been reached. If you cannot attend the sessions delivered by SU WA we advise you to visit Royal Life Saving WA’s website to view their upcoming training for Bronze Medallion:
If you have questions regarding Bronze or Surf Upgrade training please contact our office on 9371 9100.
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