Emerge Young Leaders Camp

Emerge Young Leaders Camp

Emerging on the scene in the Top End, with our love for all things camping, we’ve seen a new camp launch! A small but strong group of young leaders gathered to be a part of our first-ever young leaders camp. Our campers were aged between 15 and 25 and came from seven different churches, five different high schools as well as different workplaces and universities. It was a diverse bunch of people, unified in their faith and following Jesus, inspired to lead others.

We gathered at Riyala campsite to stretch our leadership skills with Dan Dubbeld, the Emerge National Manager for SU Australia as our guest speaker. He had our campers navigating obstacles, mindsets and challenges within teams and by themselves. Frustrations fluctuated, giggles grew, friendships formed and leaders led. It was incredible to watch two young leaders lead everyone in worship for the first time, others facilitate an activity for the group which they prepared, the tenacity of others committed to the task of lighting a fire during wet season with wet wood was incredible!

If you ever wonder about the calibre of young people in the top end let me reassure you – they are absolute gold! They are outworking their faith in their spheres, they are leading in their schools and churches, they know their Bibles and their God and they are not afraid to follow Him wherever he leads. The days ahead in the Territory and no doubt beyond are very bright indeed. It was such a privilege to direct this camp with an incredible team for an amazing bunch of emerging leaders. The future looks bright!

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