Breaking ground for young people to emerge as leaders
Emerge is a leadership, spiritual and personal development program for young people aged 15 – 25.
Now, more than ever before, young people are disconnecting from faith and church particularly in times of transition such as leaving school and starting a new season of life. In an effort to reverse this trend, the Emerge program is designed to provide support during these critical stages of life. Further support and opportunities are offered to young people as they progress through the Emerge program up to the age of 25. The program is designed for, and adapts to, individual needs and circumstances, allowing participants to engage and withdraw at various stages.
Emerge Schools
Senior School Leadership Program
As an integral part of our approach we are developing Emerge Schools as a program for students in years 10 to 12. Delivered in school by accredited SU Australia staff members, Emerge will help students to:
- Develop strong leadership competencies
- Define their personal attributes to create a balanced and well rounded life; and
- Explore spiritual practices such as reading the Bible, worship and prayer
Students are invited to deepen their leadership ability and mobility by undertaking training as a junior leader in SU Australia. This unique opportunity provides the skills to be event ready in service on SU Australia camps and missions and importantly to have broader skills to serve in their church or community. Students will be encouraged to consider practical experience as a junior leader on a camp or mission to deepen their skill and connect them to a wider faith community.
The Emerge Schools program encourages students to be connected with their local church leaders and local church community. Where appropriate and opportunities exist, the SU Australia Emerge Coordinator will reach out to leadership in the student’s church community to collaborate in supporting the student and creating opportunities to exercise their skills and leadership.
Course Delivery
Delivered in school by SU Australia staff members, students will deepen their relationship with God and emerge with maturity as disciples.
Emerge has three streams to choose from:
* SU Institute of Training, RTO Code 30548 (see for more details)
Emerge Young Adults
Under development – please contact 0427606891 or email to discuss opportunities.
Emerge Church
If you would like to talk to us about how we may be able to support your ministry to young people please call 0427606891 or email
Emerge Global
Under development – please contact 0427606891 or email to discuss opportunities.