Local prayer group plants community chaplaincy in Murrindindi

Local prayer group plants community chaplaincy in Murrindindi

Just before COVID hit, SU Australia Field Development Manager Di started a prayer hub in the Murrindindi Shire in northern Victoria to bring Christians together to pray for their community. 

What came next, exceeded her wildest expectations… 

“We found, through conversations with the community, that not many churches were gathering in the region. In addition to this, the local Yea Presbyterian Church hadn’t had a pastor for some time. However, we did find that there were lots of Christians,” Di says. 

Working alongside these local Christians, Di started a prayer hub at the Presbyterian Church hall in 2019. 

“Very quickly people started telling stories of what God had done in their lives. They spoke about their passion and heart for their community,” she says. 

And then COVID hit… 

“We were only able to meet sporadically, but in that time we met people with a passion for chaplaincy, and for the children, young people and families of the community.”

Just as those conversations started, SU school chaplain Graham, was out of work due to the COVID situation in Victoria. 

The hub began exploring the idea of a community chaplaincy service that would meet the needs of people beyond the schoolyard. 

“Graham shared stories of the creative ways he’d been able to support students and families through his previous work in his school’s aquaponic garden. 

“An elder from Yea Presbyterian asked what needed to make that happen here. So we said, ‘a piece of land to start with’. He gestured out the church window and said, ‘there’s a piece of land’. 

And so the community aquaponic garden was born…

Graham has since returned to school chaplaincy, but has committed to serving one day per week as the community chaplain. As a well known local figure, Graham provides one-on-one pastoral care to anyone in need from his ‘office’ at a local cafe. That cafe is just a few doors down from the school and the church. 

Through the community garden, he’s also helping families who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. 

“There are many families whose primary breadwinner lost their employment [during COVID]. Some have not able to return to work even now, which has put extreme pressure on them to put wholesome nourishing food on the table. 

“The garden not only provides fresh vegetables to those families, but it’s also a place where they can connect and where they can help so this venture is continually sustained,” Graham says. 

For Di, she’s encouraged by the success of this chaplaincy service that was birthed through the prayer group. She’s excited to see ministries like this replicated in other communities across the region. 

Behind every SU worker in communities across Australia is a story of dedicated, passionate Christians with a heart for children, young people and families. Thank you for sharing God’s love, hope and good news through ministries like Graham’s community chaplaincy. 

To keep ministries like this running in regional communities across Australia, visit su.org.au/donate or to give directly to SU in your local area use the links below.


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