All One in Song

All One in Song

Making memories that matter at Katherine Christian Convention

If you want to remember something, it’s often said, put it to song.

And that’s just what happened this year in the children’s program at Katherine Christian Convention! SU Darwin team members worked in partnership with Indigenous leaders, who choreographed the theme song before convention, as well as helping to teach and present the memory verse song with the children in both English and Kriol.

Scripture Engagement worker Rachel Borneman describes the process:

‘’We worked strongly with my Aboriginal mother, Aileen, who made up the actions for it. It was really great to have her and her cousin come and help us for all four sessions, and then we presented the item on Sunday night.”

For over 50 years you have been helping SU to partner with Katherine Christian Convention by running the children’s program, helping to raise the next generation to know and love Jesus.

Rachel herself has travelled to the program since her own childhood, and knows its importance in her bones.

All one in Christ Jesus isn’t just a slogan at Katherine Christian convention. With over 650 attendees, the evidence of faith extends from children to adults. From memory verses, mission prayer and fellowship gathering, to performances from different groups over two celebration nights, unity in Christ is joyfully embodied. A strong example of this is in dance.

“Sometimes over the years, and it happened this year as well, a dance will come together while you are at Convention…and it’s often white fellas and Indigenous people coming together. That’s pretty special,” Rachel reflects.

Rachel’s journey to the convention hasn’t ended, and she encourages others to join in this unique and valuable weekend.

“Katherine Christian convention happens on the first Monday in May, so anyone’s welcome to come along. If you are coming for a trip to the Territory, put that in your calendar,” she encourages.

And if you can’t travel that far, then you can definitely pray!

“Pray for reconciliation, pray for Katherine Christian convention, for what God wants to keep doing through it,” asks Rachel .

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