How To Find Boots That Fit

How To Find Boots That Fit

Meet Brayden
Brayden embarked on a somewhat lifelong journey with SU as a young boy while working with his school chaplain in primary school. Encouraged by chaplain Tracey, he stepped out into the unknown and came along to SUPA Camp in grade 5. SUPA stands for SU primary age and school chaplain Tracey was one of the volunteer team members on this camp. During this camp, we saw Brayden starting to explore what sort of boots would fit him. As one of the oldest among his siblings, he was able to be a kid, explore, make friends, and learn about Jesus and the Bible.
Brayden really stepped out of his comfort zone and demonstrated an unwavering trust when he joined the Taking on Goliath Camp. This is a bushwalking camp during which our young campers brace the elements of God’s beautiful creation and learn how to – like David in the Old Testament – deal with really big challenges which include walking with all your gear packed in a backpack and carrying this, cooking your own food over little camp stoves, and sleeping out in the wild. Since I was one of the team members at this particular camp at Freycinet National Park, I had the privilege to walk alongside Brayden and got to know him a little. At one time, when our little group was climbing up to a saddle, exhaustion drove tears in Brayden’s eyes, but determination kept him going. At the end of this camp, I have to admit I was slightly worried about his feelings regarding this camp experience but how surprised and grateful I was when he exclaimed: “Stephanie, that was the best thing I ever did!”
From then onward, Brayden became a “regular” and wanted to be part of each and every SU camp and mission that came up; he helped out at the SU Kids Games, never missed bringing friends along to a Children and Families Festival and was a star at our multicultural outreach sports mission “Many Cultures One Team”.
By now, Brayden is not a child any longer but an aspirational young man who has a job in hospitality and is finishing school soon, who has overcome adverse circumstances with determination, passion, and dedication. When Brayden started college, one of the subjects he chose had to do with food and hospitality, and I wonder whether that had anything to do with the fact that the teacher was a team member on SU camps and pastor of a church in Launceston. He has also discovered a love for performing arts and he has found Boots That Fit: a career in hospitality or theatre! And the latest I have heard from him was a very excited message exclaiming: “Stephanie, I got into uni!”
But in the meantime, we will have the privilege to have Brayden on a SUPA Camp again – this time as assistant cook serving young kids just like himself all these years ago.

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