With your Help, Generations are Growing in Faith

With your Help, Generations are Growing in Faith

Zone 40 camp has a long history, and it only keeps going, with plans for doubling the camp in future seasons to meet demand.

In C.S Lewis’ Narnia, when winter starts to fade the characters know good things are coming. So too does long-time Zone 40 leader, Suzanne Clark. When Canberra’s cold winter weather shifts Suzanne eagerly anticipates another chance to experience all the hope and fun that Zone 40 camp brings!

Suzanne’s relationship with the camp is longstanding, spanning some 25 years.

“ Once you get in you get hooked,” she reflects.

After taking a break from leading when she had kids, Suzanne returned when she sent her own daughter to Zone 40 in Year 3.

“She came back telling all these stories, and I could just see the campsite and remember all the fun. I knew I couldn’t just listen to the stories again next year. So I went along as a leader with her,” says Suzanne.

It isn’t hard to see why so many leaders and campers keep returning. Held on a goat and sheep farm Zone 40 provides city kids with multiple opportunities for adventure.

A highlight of the camp is the daily Godspot held in the shearing shed, including a short time of worship, a talk, a re-enactment of the Bible story by the kids, and discussion time in small groups.

One thing that surprised Suzanne on returning was just how much the camp had grown, drawing kids from well beyond Canberra.

“Now we are maxing out and have waiting lists. Last year we started a second little mini-camp the weekend before,” says Suzanne.

The Zone 40 team would love to be able to put on a second camp, at the same time, to accommodate all the kids wanting to come.

It isn’t just fun drawing the crowds. The outdoor activities and the spiritual input work together to prepare the kids for the world beyond camp.

“In the same way they [the kids] have physical challenges in camp, when they have challenges later in their lives their faith will be stronger to stay on the narrow path,” reflects Suzanne.

Generations are growing in faith as seen through the returning attendees.

“We see a lot of junior leaders coming through now who were campers. And there’s a lot of intergenerational stuff where there might be a parent who’s leading with their kids. One’s a junior leader, and the younger siblings are campers. And that’s really beautiful.”

To meet the continued growth, more volunteers are needed.

“A big need to pray for would be having extra volunteers. You don’t have to be the adventurous person going down caves at all. You can be there encouraging kids who are scared. We need all types who can just come along and mother kids who are homesick, or be silly and have fun,” says Suzanne.

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