So many reasons to celebrate in the ACT
SU Australia begins new journey with Christian Education in Schools (CEIS).
The much anticipated annual Discovering Life Dinner in the ACT saw hundreds attend from across the ACT and Southern NSW, representing a massive 42 churches, and ensuring a wonderful night of fellowship, laughter and encouragement.
Reflections on the lively ministry activity […]
Meeting around music
You are helping to bring light and life to Sydney high schools . . . and students are listening.
When recalling his years serving as a beach mission leader, SU Australia REIS teacher (SRE in NSW) Greg noticed something key. Teens engaged well when music was involved.
“I find that … music […]
Ministry of presence
You are enabling mentors to consistently show up and be fully present for children and young people.
Mentoring in schools was once a staple ministry through SU in WA, but over time it dwindled. When Sally Howe, Senior Ministry Coordinator, discovered the remnants of the program a […]
With your help, children are choosing to learn about God at lunch
For many children and young people, lunch time is the highlight of the school day, a chance to let loose outside the classroom with friends.
But at a primary school in Darwin, children are opting to spend their lunch times willingly in the classroom. The REIS (or […]
A good rapport
When SU Australia’s Group Manager Fundraising, Matthew Hodge, went along to help out at a holiday camp, he saw for himself just how much our chaplains’ relationships with the community matter
Sometimes we get asked about how chaplaincy is different from social work or how it ties in with […]
Young hearts engaged for the gospel
With your support, the Good News is reaching more people in fresh and creative ways.
Imagine you’re seven-years-old. It’s a few weeks before Christmas, and you’ve just been handed a crisp $20 note. You’re asked to pray and seek God’s will before giving this money to a good cause. What would […]

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